Archive for November 2015

Annual Holiday Luncheon 2015

The Holidays are Here!

We will be hosting the chapter’s annual holiday luncheon on Dec 3.  This luncheon is free to chapter members.

This year RSA is sponsoring our lunch and will be hosting a panel discussion:

“Incident Response, Breach Readiness Preparation”
Panelist: Michael Malone and Ben Johnson


RSVP Today!

To obtain an accurate count of those who will attend our upcoming holiday luncheon please RSVP

Online at:
Another option would be to use this QR code from your smart phone. 2015Luncheon
Or you can call toll free 877-303-5798, use event ID 27592.

RSVP deadline is Nov. 30th, 2015. Please come and enjoy the afternoon with ISSA Utah.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Download PDF Get all the details here.


Annual Holiday Luncheon 2015

Date: December 3, 2015
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Location: University of Utah Alumni House  map

155 Central Campus Drive
University of Utah,Salt Lake City,UT 84112

Cost: Free for ISSA members; $25 for non-members
(To join ISSA or complete non-member registration please contact our Treasurer at: