Presentations from the Seminar:
Speaker: Alex Hutton of Zions Bancorp.
Towards A Modern Approach to Risk Management
Speaker: Chris Bream, Director at MANDIANT
Did I Block That
Keynote: Ira Winkler, CISSP
“Social Engineering – How to tell if your company really sucks at Security!”
Ira Winkler, CISSP is Chief Security Strategist for Codenomicon. He is considered one of the world’s leading security professionals and named a Modern Day James Bond by the media. He did this by performing espionage simulations, compromising some of the largest companies in the World and investigating crimes against them, and telling them how to cost effectively protect their information.
Speaker: Alex Hutton of Zions Bancorp.
(Director of Risk Management for Technology and Operations)
Towards A Modern Approach to Risk Management
“Towards A Modern Approach to Risk Management”
Information Risk Management, we’re doing it wrong. Data Science and Big Data stores can help, but in order to take advantage of actual data and evidence we’ll need to correct some fundamentally wrong things we now think of as “best practices.” In this presentation we will discuss our silly approaches to information risk, how data sciences can assist us, and what a modern or evidence-based risk management practice can do for security teams.
Speaker: Chris Bream, Director at MANDIANT
Did I Block That
“Did I Block That? – Five (or so) Things Organizations Botch During a Compromise.“
Everybody gets compromised. It can be a big compromise or a small one but regardless, someone will make their way into your network at some point. Where most organizations are painfully at fault is in their response to these compromises. Chris will focus on the common mistakes that organizations make when responding to security incidents and steps you can take to help improve your capabilities.
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